Coconuts “migrated” around the world using ocean water!

Coconuts migrated around the world using ocean water!
Coconuts are found in tropical locations all over the world, but this wasn’t always the case.
DNA studies show coconuts have two origins. One in the Pacific Ocean and the other in the Indian Ocean. In the Pacific Ocean, it’s believed that coconuts were first cultivated on Southeast Asian islands, such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and perhaps the Asian continent. In the Indian Ocean, coconuts may have originated on islands south of India, such as Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and the Laccadives.
Coconuts are giant seeds. They can survive long voyages, including floating on ocean currents and traveling as far as the Caribbean. Coconuts also traveled with Polynesian voyagers who carried them for food as they settled on new islands.
Harries, H. C., & Clement, C. R. (2014). Long-distance dispersal of the coconut palm by migration within the coral atoll ecosystem. Annals of Botany, 113(4), 565-570. doi: Lutz, D. (2011, June 24). Deep history of oconuts decoded: The Source: Washington University in St. Louis. Retrieved January 24, 2021, from decoded/